Work Ethic and Way of Working Testimonials
Early on in my development career, when looking at senior and other developer role players, I wondered what I would specialize in.
One senior manager called me on several occasions to inform me that he wanted me to visit certain product teams. I’d ask him why and for how long.
His answer was always the same. Just go there until the job is done.
In looking back at those occasions, I realized he saw two things I contributed to those products and teams.
Due to my temperament and skills, I specialized in these: The first is my technical skills, and the second is my people skills.
This is the basis for my freelancing role as a Professional Scrum Master.
I asked colleagues of various roles and seniority to provide me with testimonials of how they experienced me. My intention with the testimonials was to add them to the portfolio, as a witness of my character, temperament, and skills for my freelancing as a Scrum Master.
Please peruse the attached testimonials. Am I a fit as a Scrum Master for your product development and delivery?
Emmanuel van der Meulen Professional Scrum Master